Okay, so that’s a pretty sensationalized title for me.
However, it is the name of a book by an author I trust, Patrick Lencioni. The title is actually Getting Naked: A Business Fable about Shedding the Three Fears that Sabotage Client Loyalty. I read the entire book on a flight to California. It sang to me.
If you provide services to clients, it might sing to you too. Most consultants, coaches, sales professionals, speakers, lawyers — you get the idea — are committed to making a difference in other people’s lives and in their businesses. Lencioni’s concepts for how to work and collaborate with clients are spot on.
I don’t believe in living in fear or anxiety. When those ugly emotions strive to work their way into my psyche at times, I’ve tried the approaches described in this book. They work.
Getting Naked is about being vulnerable with clients. Being authentic, down-to-earth, competent and willing to explore are attributes that positively impact your relationships with clients. Humans tend not to want to appear vulnerable or uncertain. Yet, it’s the consultant, sales person, lawyer, coach or (insert the professional that comes to mind for you) who shows up acting like they “know it all” who turns off many potential clients. There is powerful value in being competent and informed, yet willing to say, “I don’t know; what else should I understand?” and “Here’s a hard truth you probably need to hear.”
There are three fears he explores in this fable: Fear of Losing the Business, the Fear of Being Embarrassed and the Fear of Feeling Inferior. If you’ve ever experienced any of these fears, you will gain great insight and direction from this reading.
Patrick Lencioni is the author of many books I used in business, you may know some of them already: The Five Temptations of a CEO, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team and Death by Meeting. Another fun fact: I just learned Patrick is a part of my sister’s parish in California and he’s as solid a guy as the ideas he presents. A man with personal and business integrity — now that’s someone I want to learn from!
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